Unlocking The Transformational Value Of AI
The potential for AI to deliver transformative value is almost unlimited. And yet, accessing that value is by no means a given. So how do we crack the code?
As someone who’s been in the business of deploying enterprise-grade AI solutions since the earliest days of AI—from the inside, as a CIO at Verizon, and from the outside, as an advisor to an AI company ASAPP—I know that our job as CIOs is to get transformational value out of transformational technology. And yet as recently as 2020, McKinsey reported that less than 25 percent of companies are “seeing significant bottom-line impact” from AI.
I believe that there are at least three ways we need to shift our thinking if our organizations are going to mine the full transformational potential of AI:
Instead of: Trying to bolt AI on to the way you already work
Try: Designing AI-native processes and architectures
Bolting new technology onto existing ways of working always seems easier. After all, when you’ve invested considerable resources in creating the processes and architectures that you have in place, how could reinvention possibly be cost-effective? But when it comes to truly transformational technology (as opposed to, for example, the kind of incremental improvement we expect from this year’s processor upgrade), reinvention is essential to realizing truly transformational value. If you want to give AI a chance to change the game for your business, you have to let it actually change the game—which means you aren’t just sticking it to the same old game board. Harnessing the full power of AI means baking it into the core of how your business operates.
Example: When we made the transition to developing cloud-native systems, we did things like “lift and shift” our legacy applications to the cloud—and then wondered why we weren’t getting all the benefits we’d been promised, like continuous delivery and auto-scaling. But this was magical thinking. It wasn’t until we realized that we had to rethink our software development lifecycle and our systems architectures that we began to realize the true benefits to our business of cloud-native apps. A similar thing happened when we moved to mobile app development and made the mistake of thinking we could simply display our web applications on mobile phones. We all know how that turned out.Instead of: Focusing on replacing humans with machines
Try: Discovering ways that machines can help humans do their jobs better
Example: In customer service, enterprises with large call centers have spent decades trying to automate a few more percentage points of their customer service calls—spending billions and having our customers still say that they hate the experience and asking to ‘speak to an agent’. Instead, let’s use powerful machine learning techniques to learn from the very best agents and then help make every customer service agent as good as your best one. The value proposition of making 100 percent of your agents better far exceeds the value of automating a small percentage of the simplest transitions—and it is hard to put a price tag on keeping your customers happy, rather than keeping them at arm’s length. So-called “agent augmentation” is currently a buzzword, but most enterprises have not fully embraced the idea, and most technology providers have not focused on how to do this at scale.
Instead of: Relying on data alone to train our way out of the pitfalls of algorithmic bias
Try: Prioritizing having people at the design table who are traditionally under- or misrepresented by data
Example: Comprehensive reports such as the AI Now Institute’s report on Discriminating Systems: Gender, Race, and Power in AI make it clear that we can’t train our way out of the problem. There’s no way around it: hiring diverse staff with AI expertise and then, critically, empowering them to influence critical design decisions, is a non-negotiable. In my last article, I offered guidance on how to bring “humans in the loop” to combat algorithmic bias in your organization.
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